We are experiencing shipment delays as a result of inclement winter weather across the country and catastrophic fires in California. We are committed to getting your orders to you as quickly as possible and truly appreciate your patience.

Magnolia Construction & Design Information

Updated: 2024-09-13 17:13:14 UTC

At this time, Magnolia Construction & Design is currently unable to accommodate any additional project requests. 
Additionally, as our focus is here in Waco, we are unable to offer you a credible referral in your area. Chip and Joanna suggest asking around town to find out who has a good reputation locally for design and construction. As much as they wish they could, Chip and Jo are unable to speak with individuals personally, due to the amount of requests we receive for help in home design. 
To help aid individuals in design and renovation, Joanna has created a blog that includes her best advice on style and design. Click here to read Jo’s blog! You can also check out Joanna's design book, Homebody, to give you practical steps and advice for navigating and embracing your authentic design style. Click here for more information about Homebody. 

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