Supported Devices and Browsers
Updated: 2024-10-11 00:41:50 UTC
The Magnolia app is available on most smartphones, tablets, and desktop browsers. A full list of supported devices is below.
Please click here for links to the Magnolia app in your favorite device's app store.
Supported Browsers and Devices
Android Mobile
- Android 5 operating system and newer
- Samsung Galaxy ( J2, J3, J7, S7, S8/+, S9/+, S10/+, A20, A21, S20, S21, A50, A51, A71)
- Samsung Galaxy Tab (E, A7, S4, S5, S6, S7)
- Samsung Note (8, 9, 10/+, 20)
- LG Stylo (4, 5, 6)
- Motorola Moto (E, G, G6, G7, Z2, Z3, Z4, E5, E6)
- Pixel (2/XL, 3/XL, 4/XL, 5)
iPad 3rd generation and newer
- iOS 12.1 and newer
iPhone 6 and newer
- iOS 12.1 and newer
Web browsers
- Safari (latest version for iOS)
- Chrome (latest version for Android)
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